Funding Opportunities for Students

Undergraduate Students (2019-2020)

Undergraduate students interested in applying for a study abroad scholarship should contact Undergraduate Advising in the School of Business here. Scholarships are given by the GE Global Learning Center and the NEW Brandt Global Scholar Award. Learn from fellow students about their study abroad experiences here and here.

Each award is $2000 and is awarded for the Fall, Spring, and Summer study abroad sessions. The Spring deadline is September 1st and the Summer/Fall deadline is February 1st. Application links will be posted August, 2020.

GE Global Learning Center Scholarship Recipients

Scholarship recipients for 2019-2020:

Brandon Milich (Singapore), Aaron Yao (London), William Franco (Barcelona)

Scholarship recipients for 2018-2019:

Emily Vergara (London), Grace Guertin (London), Katherine Kolc (Prague), Luis Rivera (Prague), Victoria Myers (Australia)

Scholarship recipients for 2017-2018:

Amschel Rothschild (Barcelona), Auna Harvey (Netherlands), Emily Vergara (London), Luis Rivera (Prague), Grace Guertin (London), Katherine Kolc (Prague)

Scholarship recipients for 2016-2017:

Jordan Angel (Spain), Emily Knickle (Italy), Ben Nobles (Germany), Nicolette Melia (Italy), Bobby Chambers (New Zealand), Brendan McCauley (London)

Graduate Students (2019-2020)

GE Global Research Fellowship

For information on how to apply for a GE Global Fellowship and all requirements, please go to the GE Global Learning Center website.


Ph.D. Students (2019-2020)

GE Global Learning Center Overseas Fellowships

Global Business Programs will award a grant to a School of Business Ph.D. student who needs to visit a foreign institution for collaboration and research.  Interested students should submit a one-page statement of interest including the institution they would like to visit, the timing of the proposed trip, the type of research and/or collaboration proposed, a detailed budget (up to $1500), and a letter of support from your advisor.  Any documentation showing contact with the proposed institution should also be included.

The 2017 recipient of the GE Global Learning Center Overseas Fellowship was Hongfei Li.