Dinah Koehler

ESG Research Head


Dinah has over 25 years’ experience in corporate sustainability, ranging from academia, to government, corporates, consultants and finance. She has advised corporates, academic programs, national governments and international organizations. Her approach is grounded in science, reality of how decisions are made and risk management and has published multiple peer reviewed journals and thought leadership white papers. An innovator, she transformed corporate reputations, helped create EHS measurement systems, developed impact measurement methods and launched a multi-billion carbon aware investment strategy. Her focus is on building a robust data-driven framework for corporate sustainability that is transparent and supports collaborative problem solving.

Among the awards she has won in her career: 2005 Best Dissertation Award, Academy of Management (Org & Natural Environment Division); Hewlett Fdtn Grant to conduct research in the National Archives; 2008 EPA Science and Technical Achievement Award; 2017 European Fund Launch of the Year, 2017 P&I Investment Innovation Prize

She holds a BA from Wellesley College, MALD from the Fletcher School/Tufts, and a Science Doctorate from Harvard School of Public Health.

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