GE Global Learning Center

GE Global Learning Center Overseas Fellowships 2016

2015 Recipient Selcan Kara with Dr. Sulin Ba

Annually, CIBER awards a grant to one PhD student who needs to visit a foreign institution for collaboration and research.

We are pleased to announce that Howard Jean-Denis has been selected as the 2016 recipient of the GE Global Learning Center Overseas Fellowship.

If interested in receiving more information about the 2017 GEGLC Overseas Fellowship, please email

2014-2015 GE Global Fellows

2015 GE Global Fellow Recipient Sasank Daggubati with Dr. Sulin Ba

On April 20, 2015 five MBA students in the School of Business presented their research findings for their GE Global Fellowship Award.  The five fellows represented the international diversity of UCONN’s School of Business with nationalities from East Asia, South Asia and Eastern Europe. The fascinating topics and careful research presented showed their worthiness of the GE Global Fellowship they received. Their research ranged from the new focus on customer experience in market analytics (Yogendra Bhosrekar) to understanding auction theory in order to assist governments with emerging economies (Tijana Grujic). GE Global fellow, Sasank Daggubati, analyzed the entrance of Amazon into the India market, pinpointing the difference in the market and adjustments that would need to be made for Amazon to be successful.  Another fellow, Jenny (Xiaoju) Fu, presented her research on the essential need for an increased priority on more energy efficient appliances focusing on the huge consumer market in China. Finally, GE Global fellow Randeep K. Gupta shared his proposition for establishing new micro financing centers in his home country of Nepal with an added twist of partnering with local banks to help local small business entrepreneurs establish credit.  The CIBER staff and the UCONN School of Business congratulates these scholars on their impactful research and their desire for excellence in business to thank the GE Global Learning Center for its continued support of deserving students.

  • Yogendra Bhosrekar: How Customer Experience is Changing Because of Business Analytics
  • Sasank Daggubati: Amazon vs India Inc. – The Game of Thrones
  • Jenny (Xiaoju) Fu: The Energy Saving Awareness on Refrigerators in China
  • Tijana Grujic: Challenges of Theory or Auctions on Emerging Markets – Incentives for Tactic and Explicit Collusions
  • Randeep K. Gupta: Social Enterprise – An Emergent Value Proposition